Heartland MicroPayments offers the ultimate convenience of paying for laundry service in more ways than ever before.
The Heartland MicroPayments WaveReader G6 fully supports EMV, stored value, and contactless technology.
With the WaveReader G6, you can increase your laundry sales by adding convenience and security by adding cashless payments –easier than ever. These innovative payment devices are designed to work with most coin-operated washers & dryers and are backed by superior technology and industry expertise.
The WaveReader G6 fully supports EMV, stored value, and contactless while delivering an optimal tap POS experience.
WaveRider provides a full cashless laundry system solution with simple-to-install units, and easy-to-use web-based account management tools. Promotions such as free wash and dry cycles and off-peak discounts can be performed quickly and easily via a secure web interface.
The results are increased revenue and customer loyalty. Your customers can even find out, in advance, how many laundry machines are available by checking WaveVision, our innovative mobile-optimized website designed to maximize customer convenience.

Solution Information
Tap to Pay
Device Manufacturer
UIC (Uniform Industrial Corp) Bezel
Device Model
UIC (Uniform Industrial Corp) Bezel 8 Version A & B
Application Name and Version
EMV Information
EMV Contactless
EMV Chip
Magstripe (Swipe)
Letter of Approval Level 1
Letter of Approval Level 2
Acquirer Level 3 Certification Letter